March Self-Love Session: "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF"

Mar 08, 2022

Hi Babes! 

We're speaking life into 'Self' today! 

Listen in to today's episode. I am sending you so much love. I believe in you. I believe in the abundance of your energy and frequency! 

You have nothing to worry about and everything to gain. 

Self-Love Therapy Prompt Session:

Speaking life into you with my belief in what is possible for you. Believe with me. 

Believe In You!


 As a mentor, I want you to know that I believe in your vision. I know what it's like to have a vision and want someone to believe in me. To believe with me. To help me. To teach me. To guide me. To really care for me. 

I would have sessions with mentors who were in it for the money. It's great to want to exchange energy with a client. As we know, money is energy and the exchange of transformation meets the love that both mentor and client can explore. 

I also know what it's like to be sold to without the LOVE. I actually felt that recently with someone and it felt tender to my heart. I realized that not all of us who provide transformation exude the love in our hearts. Even if the love is there, sometimes the client may not feel it. 

So I want to make sure that you feel my love. I want to make sure that you feel the love that I have for you. I want you to feel the belief that I have in my soul concerning your dreams. 

So I would like to share with you what I foresee in your near future. If you believe this and if you want to align with this, at the very end I would like you to say "and so it is."


"Your gifts and talents are now being amplified. 

Your journey is taking a new positive form.

The love you desire is making its way to you. Be ready to receive.

The doors you want open are now open.

Your co-workers are now offering a peaceful work environment - begin feeling the changes.

The clients you desire are enrolling in your program and exchanging energy with you - now.

Your business and or career is changing in a positive enlightened way.

The affection you’ve been wanting is being offered to you. Close your eyes and receive it.

Your heart is healing. Your life is so much more peaceful. Your bank account is full and now overflowing.

You’re giving to different organizations and purchasing goods and services that you’ve been craving. 

Your life is full. 

More peace. More love. More money. More kindness. 

New environments are being exposed to you."

Believe and receive. "And so it is."


I am believing with you.

Join me for VIP Mentoring and Coaching. Connect with your goals and desires. Heal and feel the life experience that you're ready for. I am so excited to join you on your self-love journey and life enhancement experience. 





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