$199.00 USD

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Receive access to the FULL 3-day retreat. 

Reset your point of attraction when it comes to love, relationships, and premium client attraction.

We're clearing unavailable people, partners, and clients.

We'll meet LIVE online! Be sure to check your email and SPAM folder because I'll be reaching out to you to connect and get things rolling for our sacred time together. 

Pick a topic you'd like to conquer or would like to have a structured method to establish stability and grounding. 

Topics: Love, self-love, relationships, marketing, and sales, building an empire, parenting, healing, spiritual upgrades for self, love, money, and stepping into the ICON of YOU.

What you'll get:

  • Module 1: Set the CALM Foundation 
  • Module 2: Your Big Reveal
  • Module 3: Design Your Empire
  • Bonus: Energy Clearing + Vision Alignment Meditation

I can't wait to experience your transformation with you, my love!